Yearly Fundraisers:
Scrip: Year-round
Restaurant Nights: Year-round
Honey Sale: August / September
Pie Sale: October
Fall Band Daze: October
Poinsettia Fundraiser: October / November
Spring Flower Basket Fundraiser: April
Spring Band Daze: May
Scrip: Year-round
Restaurant Nights: Year-round
Honey Sale: August / September
Pie Sale: October
Fall Band Daze: October
Poinsettia Fundraiser: October / November
Spring Flower Basket Fundraiser: April
Spring Band Daze: May

Online Instant Scrip
Click Here to learn more about the Scrip Program, how to use it and more. It's a great way to earn dollars for band.
YEAR-ROUND!!!! It's all online.
Click Here to learn more about the Scrip Program, how to use it and more. It's a great way to earn dollars for band.
YEAR-ROUND!!!! It's all online.

Monthly Restaurant Nights
Eat out & earn money for Band. It's a win/win situation. We set up monthly Restaurant Nights at local businesses to support band and our local businesses. If you have a business and would like to support music at Oregon City High School contact us!
Some of our past Restaurant Nights have included: Jimmy O's Pizza, Mike's Drive-In, Wichita, Panda Express
Eat out & earn money for Band. It's a win/win situation. We set up monthly Restaurant Nights at local businesses to support band and our local businesses. If you have a business and would like to support music at Oregon City High School contact us!
Some of our past Restaurant Nights have included: Jimmy O's Pizza, Mike's Drive-In, Wichita, Panda Express
August Sale Starting During Band Camp

Raw Honey
Raw Oregon Honey is a family company. Honey bees harvest nectar from local blooms in Oak Grove, Oregon. The honey harvested is RAW and LOCAL, filtered only once and never heated. 100% pure, natural, unpasteurized and unfiltered, Raw Oregon Honey is a whole, antioxidant-rich food that's wholly local and delicious. Raw Oregon Honey practices sustainable farming methods and uses no chemicals, and our Queen bees are raised from local Portland stocks to help ensure the survival of the Northwest Honey Bee.
Get your Jar of Local Raw Honey!
Raw Oregon Honey is a family company. Honey bees harvest nectar from local blooms in Oak Grove, Oregon. The honey harvested is RAW and LOCAL, filtered only once and never heated. 100% pure, natural, unpasteurized and unfiltered, Raw Oregon Honey is a whole, antioxidant-rich food that's wholly local and delicious. Raw Oregon Honey practices sustainable farming methods and uses no chemicals, and our Queen bees are raised from local Portland stocks to help ensure the survival of the Northwest Honey Bee.
Get your Jar of Local Raw Honey!
October: On a Saturday

Fall Band Daze
This is a mandatory fundraiser for all Band Members!
The Oregon City High School Marching Band hits the neighborhoods of Oregon City in their uniforms braving rain or shine. They are fundraising for the Oregon City High School Band Program. We love how welcoming and generous our Oregon City Community always is to our band students and their parent chaperones.
Thank you Oregon City Community!!!
This is a mandatory fundraiser for all Band Members!
The Oregon City High School Marching Band hits the neighborhoods of Oregon City in their uniforms braving rain or shine. They are fundraising for the Oregon City High School Band Program. We love how welcoming and generous our Oregon City Community always is to our band students and their parent chaperones.
Thank you Oregon City Community!!!
October Sales - Delivery before Thanksgiving

Filled with locally grown fruits & berries. Handmade to order in Silverton, Oregon at the Willamette Valley Pie Company.
Watch for these delicious pies every Fall!
Filled with locally grown fruits & berries. Handmade to order in Silverton, Oregon at the Willamette Valley Pie Company.
Watch for these delicious pies every Fall!
October/November Sales- Delivery after Thanksgiving

Grown locally by Al’s Garden Center, their poinsettias are beautiful and will last through the holidays.
OC Band offers poinsettia VOUCHERS that may be redeemed at Al's Garden Center.
Grown locally by Al’s Garden Center, their poinsettias are beautiful and will last through the holidays.
OC Band offers poinsettia VOUCHERS that may be redeemed at Al's Garden Center.
April Sales- Delivery before Mother's Day
Spring Plant Sale
Find your favorite band student or email us at [email protected] to buy your plants.
Plants are typically delivered Saturday of Mother's Day Weekend.
Find your favorite band student or email us at [email protected] to buy your plants.
Plants are typically delivered Saturday of Mother's Day Weekend.
May: On a Saturday

Spring Band Daze
The Oregon City High School Marching Band hits the neighborhoods of Oregon City in their uniforms braving rain or shine. They are fundraising for the Oregon City High School Band Program. We love how welcoming and generous our Oregon City Community always is to our band students and their parent chaperones.
Thank you Oregon City Community!!!
The Oregon City High School Marching Band hits the neighborhoods of Oregon City in their uniforms braving rain or shine. They are fundraising for the Oregon City High School Band Program. We love how welcoming and generous our Oregon City Community always is to our band students and their parent chaperones.
Thank you Oregon City Community!!!