Start earning money for your band student!
Signing up is simple! Click below to start:
How does it work?
When you order gift cards from your favorite stores your student earns a percentage of each card purchased as a rebate. The percentages range from 3% to 28% depending on the store. For example, if Safeway and Fred Meyer both offer a 4% return. If you order $500 from Safeway for your monthly groceries, your student gets $20 deposited into their band account and you have the full $500 in gift cards to spend on your monthly groceries. Your favorite restaurants, grocery stores, clothing stores, home stores and more are all part of our scrip program. Check out the list, see what gift cards your family could use.
Earn even MORE!!!
Get your friends and family involved too! They can also easily purchase gift cards through our program and your student benefits even more. Families utilizing the program like our Scrip Coordinator earn $500 to $1000 a year for their students band expenses.
Physical Cards: Fred Meyers
Twice this year you will be able to order physical gift cards for Fred Meyers. More info coming soon!
Dates TBA
Signing up is simple! Click below to start:
How does it work?
When you order gift cards from your favorite stores your student earns a percentage of each card purchased as a rebate. The percentages range from 3% to 28% depending on the store. For example, if Safeway and Fred Meyer both offer a 4% return. If you order $500 from Safeway for your monthly groceries, your student gets $20 deposited into their band account and you have the full $500 in gift cards to spend on your monthly groceries. Your favorite restaurants, grocery stores, clothing stores, home stores and more are all part of our scrip program. Check out the list, see what gift cards your family could use.
Earn even MORE!!!
Get your friends and family involved too! They can also easily purchase gift cards through our program and your student benefits even more. Families utilizing the program like our Scrip Coordinator earn $500 to $1000 a year for their students band expenses.
Physical Cards: Fred Meyers
Twice this year you will be able to order physical gift cards for Fred Meyers. More info coming soon!
Dates TBA